About Native Plant Production
Since 1985 ESRS has harvested and reproduced hundreds of rangeland native plants and seeds for the reclamation industry in Western Canada.

Native Plant Producer, ESRS is committed to the collection and breeding of native plant species indigenous to the province of Alberta, British Columbia and Saskatchewan. It is our goal to promote the utilization of native species in the reclamation and agricultural industries in order to further protect the delicate ecological balance in the province and increase the productivity of the agricultural sector.
Fast and Efficient Plant Selection
ESRS provides planning into what plants should be established and the content of any seed mixes and live materials planted on a site. This integration allows for fast and efficient selection of the proper plants with the intention to establish cheaply and efficiently the proper plant community the first time.
Native seed breeding and production
ESRS has been growing native plant materials for over 25 years and is currently operating 180 acres of land for native seed breeding and production and more land in tame species.
This experience in growing native plants from seed and plugs has greatly increased the credibility of ESRS in restoration planning and management as well in providing high quality products to the consumer. ESRS has a team of professionals who encompass some of the most skilled Botanists in Alberta with over 30 years of experience working as private consultants and in the government.
Native species have long-term competitive advantages
Native species have long-term competitive advantages over many tame species due to their inherent adaptation to our environment. The main obstacles to wide use of native species include cost and the limited knowledge about these species. It is our goal to provide effective information capable of reducing the costs associated with native species and increasing usability through proper management of native species.

Large Modern Commercial Greenhouse
The commercial greenhouse is devoted to the contract growing of native plant materials. Any native Alberta species can be harvested from the wild and reproduced or produced from breeder plots. ESRS is specialized in grass and forb production as well as woody species. These resources enable ESRS to establish fully functioning plant communities in virtually any part of Western Canada.
Our Strategic Location
ESRS is strategically positioned to complete all site selection, and plant surveys including rare species, rangeland inventory, range health, weed inventories and environmental impact assessments. This allows ESRS to provide detailed background information critical to restoration and reclamation projects which will allow for successful establishment of new native plant communities on disturbed sites.
Researching the benefits of utilizing native plants
To address difficulties in producing and marketing native species properly ESRS conducts specific research on the benefits of utilizing native plants on a species by species basis. This research takes into account areas of production, handling, weed control methods, and planting methods for each species. This has allowed ESRS to maintain its position as one of the most knowledgeable companies for restoration planning in the reclamation industry.
Professional Management and Environmental Monitoring
When working with native species planting failures are extremely common. Therefore, it is essential that professional management and environmental monitoring programs are enacted to maximize success rates. With 30 yrs of experience in rangeland reclamation the staff at ESRS are well qualified to provide the level of expertise you need.
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or Call us at +1(403) 437-9052